
Monday, December 3, 2012

~Simple Christmas~ The Rules!

The Simple Christmas Gift Giving Rules!

At the beginning of summer I came across this lovely Pin on Pinterest! I shared it with The Hubs and we decided it was so brilliant that we would implement it immediately for the next birthday celebration. It was perfect.

  • It helped me stay on track.
  • I had specifics to look for.
  • I was able to control any excess spending because the rules are clear cut and yet give room for your own creativity.
  • I like the challenge. :)

So for Christmas this year we are implementing the 4 Gift Rule.
I am almost done shopping already. 

I will admit to a tiny slip up as mentioned in a previous post when I was tempted to break the 4 Gift Rule. So it isn't always easy changing our habits but this is worth it!

We are aiming for a debt free Christmas! Only spend what you can afford! It isn't about the newest and greatest, it is about the quality of the gift and whether your child will use it! 

Will this gift help your child grow intellectually? Can it be used for years? Does it fit his personality? Is it God honoring? Will it bring him closer to his Creator? These are the questions we should be asking when it comes to gifting.

Above all let us remember:
     Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. ~James 1:17

Always Blessed, 
Gretchen :)

Simple Christmas Part 2
Simple Christmas Part 3

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  1. We, too, are doing the 4 Gift Rule with our kids. A first for us, too. But I agree it has made shopping much simpler and I've found that I'm not impulse buying when I'm out.

    You have a great blog. I found you on Artful Homemaking's link-up.

    Blessings to you,

  2. Thank you so much for the compliment!

    I need all the help I can to not impulse buy. :) I like the formula for this. I can checkmark it off as I get through each child. It is so good!

  3. Merry Christmas I found you on The Ultimate Christmas Blog Hop and I'm you're newest subscriber.

  4. Hello Alison!
    Thanks for following!! That is an awesome Christmas present to me! ;)

    Gretch :)


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