
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday's Gifts~ Old Things

The Gift of Old Things. 

Unto to Dust

Old Experiences.

No More Weeping

Old Beliefs.


The Blessing of the Old Testament Laws.  


 51 “Have you understood all this?” They answered, “Yes.” 52 And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.”~ Matthew 13:51-52

And the Blessing of  New Testament Grace.


Always Blessed,
Gretchen :)

All pictures are courtesy of my sister, Sara Rose Nissen.  
Check out her artwork over at  as seen through my eyes. :)

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  1. Thanks for sharing these pictures and meaningful words over at WholeHearted Home this week.

  2. Very interesting photos and thoughts. Wow.
    I'm visiting by way of Sarah's Homemaking Linkup (I'm link #27).
    I was writing a post for tomorrow on my faith blog and your photos/sentiments remind me of things I was thinking and trying to say - foundations/God's Word ... everything. Kind of neat to run into your post at this point. Love the scripture you put with it. I forgot about that verse!
    Thanks, Jenn

    1. I think God helps us run to each other sometimes just when we need it! :)

  3. Hey there, just thought I'd let you know I did a post on your post - using the first photo (thumbnail w/a link to your post). I really enjoyed your post. Thank you.
    (The post is on my main blog, which is in my comment.)

    1. Thank you! That is pretty cool! I am so glad you enjoyed this post. I actually started it thinking something different then what actually happened. I believe the LORD was leading me remember all these verses I had read over, or forgot. I am checking out your Blog now! :)

  4. Very awesome...thanks for blessing us all! ;) Love the "foundation" the best. So true :)


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