
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I Was Featured!

Just because it makes me so happy I have to share that I have had the privilege of being a Featured Blogger! On not just one (!) but two different Blogs in the past couple weeks. I feel so honored. Seriously. Now because I want to share this milestone with all of you and save it for posterity please go check out these two lovely ladies and their Blogs!

Judith over at Wholehearted Home is so full of God's love and joy you can almost feel it through the computer screen. I would love to have her over for a cup of tea (or a pot), a piece of peach cobbler and a long discussion on everything I need to learn yet about mothering and running a house. I think she would have a fair enough amount of encouragement for the ever changing job of marriage as well. She makes me laugh and cry and think about the important things. Check out her writings, poetry, recipes and good friendship feeling of fellowship over at Wholehearted Home

Here is my Linked Up Post!

Link Up #23

Heather at The Welcoming House is so joyfully real I find her absolutely refreshing to read. Her bloggy life is a beautiful open book of all kinds of love, child rearing, wifery, and a passion for teaching others how to get back to the basics. If I need to know how to can something or how to make it myself she is one of the first places I look. I enjoy reading about her darling daughters, and I especially like that she has a soon to be teenager on her hands because I find comfort in those similarities we have! She lives up here in the cold north and I should like to stop by and have that piece of pie she advertises about! Thank you Heather for featuring me! I am humbled. Now everyone... Go learn how to make pumpkin flour for raviolis and homemade Crisco candles at The Welcoming House!

My Linked Up Post!

Link Up #4!

Always Blessed,
Gretchen :)


I would love to hear your feedback, thoughts, ideas, and comments. Let's just keep it respectful, ok?