
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

DIY Sweater Slippers

While cleaning up Princess Petunia's room the other day I can across a large tote with a whole passel of clothes that was gifted to us from a lovely family we know whose daughters had grown out of them. Most of it was for Princess Petunia. Jammies and cute little jumpers. All for next year! Yay!

There were even a few things for Princess Peony. She found a sweater and decided instead of wearing it, she would try a project she had seen somewhere on Pinterest. She hadn't pinned it but had read through the post and kept the idea in her head.

She disappeared to her crafting area (aka: Her Room) for 40 minutes, appearing once to ask wear the glue gun had gone and wear did I put all those flip flops from last summer. She then came up sporting these!
Sweater Slippers!

Aren't They Cute!?

I didn't even know what she was making or I would have documented! So here is the quick and dirty version. I'm sure you could make these even nicer and neater but I like them just like this. We kinda like messy and homemade around these parts. :) I think I need to find myself an old sweater.....

Cut the long sleeves off of an old sweater. She cut on the seam.

I think this was a size large sweater. She is slim so a plus size sweater might work better for a plus size mom. Like ME!
She lined the sweater arm with quilt batting. Once it was measured she hot glued it to the inside of the sweater arm.

 *mom note: I think if you turned the arm inside out and then glued you could just flip it right side out. Much easier. Also, don't line the entire length of the arm. Only line half of it so you can cuff the other half down. Like so:

Notice the sweater seams? That is the 'wrist' section of the sweater arm folded down to the 'ankle' of the sweater slipper.

Here is wear the flip flops come in.
*mom note: The thong part of the sandal should be ripped out so you just have a 'sole'. Otherwise it could get uncomfortable unless of course you put batting over it. You decide! :) Pull the shoulder section of the sweater arm over the sole and glue in place. This is messy but it's on the bottom of your foot so that is okay!  :)

DIY Sweater Slippers
One old sweater with arms cut off ( I would use a tightly knit sweater with some seams.)
One pair of old flip flops
Cotton  quilt batting
glue gun

Cut the sleeves off of an older sweater. Turn these inside out. Hot glue quilt batting half way up the sweater arm and all the way around it. Make sure you are gluing from the 'shoulder' of the sweater to the half way point. Once dry, flip the arm right side out. Rip out the thong piece in your flip flop (if you want). Pull the 'shoulder' of the sweater (now lined with the batting) over the bottom of the flip flop and glue in place. Slide onto your leg and fold the top of the sweater, the 'wrist' portion , down. Like a very long cuff. At this point you can glue the cuff down if you want. We also thought some buttons sewn on the side seam would be really cute.  Experiment with it!

This pic is awful but they really look adorable with her leggings and a tunic.

 Any questions on my totally uncrafty explanation please jot below and I will try to explain better!

Let me know how it goes and what coolness you added to make them your very own creation!

Always Blessed,
Gretchen :)

Possibly Linking With:
Cornerstone Confessions
Wisdom Wednesdays and Link Up
No Ordinary Blog Hop
Frontline Moms Friday Fun
The Welcoming House
Make Bake Create Wednesday Link Up Party


  1. Fantastic idea. I don't have any flip flops, but an old pair of slippers might work . . .

    1. I was thinking the same thing! I still have some life in my flip flops from last summer..... :)

  2. Gretchen,
    These are cute and I think the idea is very cute. Thank you for sharing your encouragement with us, sweet friend!!

    1. Awww... warm Fuzzies! Thanks again for checking it out! :)

  3. What a fun idea! That would be a fun project to do during a girls retreat or mom's night out!

    Thanks for linking up with Family Fun Friday on Mommy Head Adventures and Frontline Moms

    1. Thank you for hosting! I am so glad you stopped by!

      Gretch :)

    2. That is such a nifty idea!!! Fun for your daughter to make. You did a wonderful job documenting it after-the-fact. Thanks for linking up over at WholeHearted Home this past week. Hope to see you in the morning.

  4. I absolutely love this idea. I must try it myself!! Thanks for linking up at the Make Bake Create party!

  5. This is such a great repurpose idea! I featured them this week! Thanks for linking up at our Make Bake Create party, I hope you can link up again tomorrow!

    1. Well thank you! I am very excited to be featured! :))


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