
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Should Like To Travel

I encourage you to check out my sister's beautiful photos over at as seen through my eyes.

 as seen through my eyes     

I should like to travel down this path
and see what it could be.
I might find the Crow cawing as loud as can be
or the Cardinal claiming his space so bossily.
Perhaps I would find tracks shaped like reindeer hooves to
or somewhere
and I may be persuaded to follow.
Search them out in the cold, crisp air 
that bites my breath as it pulls out of me.
I would like to hear the crunch of the snow
echo down this wedding lane
and perhaps pretend I am a 
because I am a child at heart
and Jesus is my King.

Always Blessed,
Gretchen :)


  1. Hello from a fellow Minnesotan. :) What a beautiful picture! It reminds me of some quiet time I spent near St. Cloud at one of the hermitages at St. Ben's. There was a walking trail that led to an area towards the back of the campus that looked just like this.


  2. Hello! It is stunning isn't it? My sister snapped it last winter trudging through some fairly deep snow, probably dragging a toddler with her on her hip. :) It just sends my mind to all kinds of peaceful thoughts!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Stay warm!


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